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8 Email Marketing Strategy for a Successful Campaign

Email marketing strategy

Why do you need an email marketing strategy?

Email marketing is a powerful method for successful business. There are Thousands of digital communication methods available now on the internet, But still email is one of the better ways to reach your customers with immediate effect. If you spent $10 on email marketing you can expect at least $400 in earnings, It is always a high return investment strategy. Currently approx 4 billion active email users are in the globe, Millions of people are waiting to receive your email messages.

You must need a well-planned strategy before you execute an email marketing campaign. To get better results with email marketing campaigns follow the 10 recommended valuable methods below.

1. Organic Email List – Email Marketing Strategy

Before you start an email marketing campaign please make sure the quality of the contact list you made, it is very important. The quality of the list matters more than the quantity.

Instead of buying a bulk contact list from email list marketing company better build an organic email list, There are many ways to get organic emails list the best one is adding subscribe button on you company website home pages, through this you can collect email id and other details of your website visitor, When they see your email in their inbox, they will be interested in opening it, chances are high to sell your product, brand, or service to them.

2. Personalize your messages – Email Marketing Strategy

Email Marketing Strategy

That means, customer data will use create a personalized message. An example: Instead of starting a message with “Dear valued customer” will use  “Dear Alex”.

3. Audience Segmentation

According to the possibility level of customer conversion, based on interests and unique characteristics, segment them. to send proper content to the right people. Define possible segments as well and target them with relevant email marketing campaigns.

4. Use short and catchy subject lines

Most of the recipients open the email based on the subject line, the subject lines are very important for your email marketing strategy to become successful. The highest open rate is email subject lines with six to ten words. Sense of urgency or exclusivity in subject lines is another way to give a 22% higher open rates.

5. Optimize Your Send Time – Choose right time to send emails

To send out your emails choose the right time, you should be aware about the timing of your email going to start sending. Timing is one of the most important matters of any email marketing campaign. It will increase the possibility that your message will get opened. Get an idea for the campaign about the timing from below table.

Email Marketing Strategy

6. Send Mobile-Friendly Emails – Email Marketing Strategy

Email Marketing Strategy

It’s important to send mobile-friendly emails, otherwise your emails no matter how good the content is, will look bad when opened on mobile, the subscribers cant interact with this, it will seriously affect your email marketing campaign’s success. Over 80 percent of Internet users have mobile phones and this number will continue to increase in the coming years, so sending mobile-friendly email is a must.

7. Split Testing – Email Marketing Strategy

By doing split testing you can understand which email IDs are working and which are not and you can rearrange your list accordingly. By doing this continuously, you will know that it is a very effective way of working.

8. You Must Check before Hitting the Send Button – Email Marketing Strategy

Be sure to test the email template, buttons, hyperlinks, homepage or landing page before sending the email and make sure it works properly. Otherwise, you may not get a good result on what you spend on email marketing campaigns.

Conclusion – Email Marketing Strategy

Your email marketing success depends on the strategies used in the campaign, Email marketing is the best way to find out what works best for our business.


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